How Nutrition Affects Your Dental Health

Maintaining a healthy body is absolutely vital to the growth and development of healthy skin, eyes, hair, and teeth. Being healthy doesn’t mean losing weight and looking like a supermodel, of course. It simply means providing your body with adequate nutrition so that all your vitals can function properly and keep you free from any illness or discomfort.

Gum Tissue

The food you eat and the state of your overall health can have a significant impact on your gum tissues. Healthy gum tissue can help prevent the invasion of bacteria and lower your chances of developing periodontal disease. When the body is low on Vitamin C, Folic Acid, and Zinc, gum tissue can become weaker and less resistant to harmful bacteria and plaque. This can result in swollen gums and even lead to gingivitis.  

Studies have shown that people who are low on Vitamin C and Calcium are more prone to gum disease than people with healthy amounts of these nutrients. Adding healthy citrus fruits and leafy green vegetables to your diet can increase the amount of nutrients in your body, lower any risk of periodontal disease, and ensure that your gums are strong, healthy, and free from any swelling.


Saliva aids greatly in the prevention of dental cavities and disease. Whenever you eat anything high in starch or sugar, saliva creates a thin barrier between your teeth and cavity-causing acids. In addition, healthy saliva can also aid in the formation of minerals that can repair damaged tooth structure and lessen your chances of tooth decay.

Saliva is considered healthy when it has a pH level of around 7. When the pH level of saliva is too high or too low, it can end up breaking down and damaging enamel instead of providing additional protection or mineralization. Highly acidic food and drink, such as soft drinks and cheese, can lower or increase the acidity level of saliva and cause it to break down healthy tooth enamel. On the other hand, chewing gum with plenty of xylitol can offset acidic food and ensure that your saliva’s pH level remains stable. Drinking plenty of water can also keep your saliva’s acidity level healthy and balanced.


Your diet and level of nutrition can strongly affect your teeth even before they come out. When your body is low on Vitamins A and D, the resulting enamel can become weak and less-resistant to dental cavities. People who lack adequate Vitamin A often end up with weaker teeth as their saliva doesn’t produce enough protein to protect enamel from acids and bacteria. People who lack healthy amounts of Vitamin D can also end up with teeth that don’t form properly due to underdeveloped tissues.

Eating plenty of Vitamin-rich food can help strengthen enamel and prevent any serious dental problems. You don’t have to limit yourself to eating only fruits and vegetables, as plenty of other foods can help provide you with a healthy dose of vitamins. Cod liver oil, eggs, butter, and cheese, for instance, are rich in Vitamin A and can aid in healthy saliva production. Fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, and salmon, as well as egg yolks and mushrooms, can infuse your body with plenty of Vitamin D and ensure that your teeth form and develop properly.

Oral Mucosa

The oral mucosa is made up of the mucous membrane lining inside your mouth. It includes your gums, lips, cheeks, and the surface of your tongue. Your oral mucosa can be a good indicator of not only your dental health but also the overall health of your body. Deficiencies in folic acid and Vitamins A, B12, and C can lead to the formation of harmful lesions and spots on the tongue and other parts of your mouth, well as more serious oral diseases like recurrent ulcers and Glossitis (inflammation of the tongue).

Regularly brushing and eating a healthy diet of Vitamin-rich food can keep your oral mucosa in a healthy state and lower your chances of developing painful oral diseases. Foods that are rich in Vitamin B12 include animal products such as meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. There are also plenty of delicious foods that are rich in folic acid, such as leafy green vegetables, beans and legumes, and starchy bread and pasta.

It’s undeniable that our oral health depends greatly on our diet and level of nutrition. No matter how many times you brush in a day, your teeth won’t become any healthier if the food you eat lacks the proper vitamins and nutrients needed to develop healthy gums, enamel, and saliva.


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